We love our furry friends! Planning and hosting the first Danish #pawfluencer event in collaboration with The Body Shop was a blast! We enjoyed lots of cuddles, play and fun while raising awareness to the Forever Against Animal Testing campaign at the event that took place on March 22nd at Orangeriet in the heart of Copenhagen.
The Body Shop is campaigning to ban animal testing in the cosmetic industry globally. EU banned animal testing in the cosmetic industry in 2013, but unfortunately 80% of the worlds other countries still allow testing and by that torturing many different animals for this shallow cause. The Body Shop was the first global beauty brand to fight against animal testing and they are still fighting today - and so are we! Let’s take a stand together to finally ban cosmetics testing on animals everywhere.
The goal is to get 8 million signatures to present to the UN General Assambly in 2018. Today we’re close to 6 millions and we need to keep fighting! Please sign the petition right here and help ban animal testing in the cosmetic industry everywhere!